Nosotros've all experienced that feeling of dread when an important file or folder isn't where you wait it to be.

Ordinarily, the issues are caused by user error. You've probably accidentally moved information technology or renamed it. Merely sometimes, the underlying outcome is more serious. That feeling of dread can quickly turn to one of absolute panic.

The number of potential causes for missing or inaccessible files or folders is most endless; it's impossible to comprehend them all in 1 commodity. Instead, in this piece, we're going to wait at one specific example: lost partitions.

How Does a Partitioning Become "Lost"?

Broadly speaking, there are three primary ways for a segmentation to get lost.

For many users, the virtually mutual cause is malware. As viruses become increasingly complex, they can target parts of the operating system which were previously out of attain. I such example was the Rombertik virus in 2022. It attacked the Chief Boot Record (MBR) and if successful, overwrote the sectionalisation information with zero bytes.

The 2nd crusade is information abuse. If either your operating arrangement or file system becomes corrupted, the hard drive may non be able to function correctly. In turn, this might make partitions inaccessible.

The last crusade is deejay management errors. Perhaps you made a mistake when resizing a sectionalization, maybe y'all inadvertently damaged the Partition Tabular array, or possibly yous even deleted the partition without realizing.

How to Recover a Lost Segmentation in Windows

If you lot are confident in your technical ability, follow the step-by-step guide below. For a more than detailed explanation, go on reading.

  1. Download and run TestDisk.
  2. Select Create a new log file.
  3. Cull your hard bulldoze from the list.
  4. Set your bulldoze's type of sectionalisation table.
  5. Select Analyse.
  6. Select Quick Search.
  7. Highlight the cleaved or missing partition.
  8. Printing A.
  9. Choose Done.

Download and Install TestDisk

You lot can find lots of costless sectionalisation recovery tools using Google, only nosotros recall TestDisk is the best tool for the job (though we've touched on a couple of alternatives afterwards in the article).

TestDisk is primarily designed for recovering lost partitions, but it can also rebuild boot sectors, ready file resource allotment tables (FATs), create NTFS kicking sector backups, and correct partition table errors.

The open up-source app is gratis to download. Take hold of a copy from the software'due south website. The app is portable, meaning there is no installation procedure. Just unzip the contents of the file you download.

Download: TestDisk (Free)

How to Recover a Partition Using TestDesk

Run the file called testdisk_win.exe. The app will launch in a DOS window. You lot should see a screen similar the 1 below.

Windows TestDisk Screen

Using your keyboard'southward arrow keys, highlight Create a new log file and press Enter. The next screen lets you cull the disk. If you're running a typical home figurer setup, yous'll probably simply see one drive listed -- only the tool will likewise observe other attached media like CDs and USBs. Highlight the drive with the lost segmentation and printing Enter.

Windows TestDisk Screen

On the third screen, highlight the type of partition tabular array your car is using. If you're running the app on Windows, you should choose Intel in most cases (though EFI GPT is likewise possible).

Windows TestDisk Screen

On the final screen, cull Analyze and printing Enter. TestDisk volition beginning scanning the drives and partitions you've selected. If y'all have a large drive, the process could have several minutes to complete.

Eventually, you will meet a list of results. If the partition you lot're looking for is non listed, choose Quick Search at the lesser of the screen and printing Enter. It will search for and list whatever broken or missing partitions.

Windows TestDisk Screen

To recover a broken partitioning, highlight the right line in the results and printing A on your keyboard. To complete the process, choose Done on the concluding screen.

Windows TestDisk Screen

How to Recover a File Using TestDesk

Information technology's also possible to use TestDisk to recover files. Follow the in a higher place steps, but on the 4th screen, cull Advanced instead of Analyze.

Give the app a few minutes to complete the scan. When information technology's complete, it volition show a list of file names. To recover a file, printing C on your keyboard.

Windows TestDisk Screen

To complete the recovery process, choose the destination where you want the file to be saved.

Note: If you encounter difficulties, check the app's wiki page. It offers extensive documentation and screenshots.

Other Software

TestDisk is non the only manner to recover lost partitions on Windows. There's lots of other free software that offers similar results. Indeed, many of the free partition managers we looked at in an article elsewhere on the site provide recovery tools.

If you're looking for an alternative, check out Active@ Partition Recovery and EaseUS Partition Recovery Wizard.

Active@ Partition Recovery: The app works in DOS, Windows, WinPE, and Linux environments. A quick browse feature can find recently deleted partitions, while the SuperScan part can discover partitions that are much older. Information technology can even salve information from formatted and overwritten partitions.

EaseUS Partitioning Recovery Wizard: The free EaseUS app works with Fat, NTFS, HFS, HFS+, HFSX, Ext2, and Ext3 partitions on the Windows operating arrangement. It lets you recover deleted and lost partitions, complete with all the data intact. EaseUS also offers a Pro version for $69.95. Information technology can work with external difficult drives, NAS drives, and other non-PC storage media.

Have You Recovered a Lost Partition on Windows?

If you follow our footstep-past-step guide precisely, yous stand a practiced take a chance of recovering the partitioning along with its information. As with any data recovery procedure, the sooner you attempt to recover your division, the amend hazard you accept of success.

Have you used whatever of the three tools we discussed? Did they piece of work? Or do you know about another great app that we didn't mention? And share this commodity with your friends on social media -– yous might aid relieve someone'due south day.

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